Just Plane Productive: One Client's Story


I couldn't resist sharing this with you. I received the email from my client Adam who is a National Sales Manager for a large pharmaceutical company in the Boston area. It made me laugh and once again become present to the situation that so many of us face today; finding individual ways to be more productive and preserve some sense of sanity while we're doing it! Here's what he wrote:

"So as I write this I am sitting on a plane approaching Chicago  where I have a 2 hr layover then on to LA for tomorrow's full day of back to back meetings.

I am happy to say I did very well at my meetings in New York today…and I have been supremely focused  for two straight hours on this plane….which has lead me to an important insight:   I notice that I have   really unmatched productivity on these plane rides… precisely because I am trapped in a seat ..with no way out for hours……AND I don’t have to deal with interruptions…  it is as though the lack of choices….(choices like… I think I’ll go out for a coffee…or go for a jog..etc)   COMBINED with the fact that I cannot be on-line converge, leaving  me resigned to sit and get into the zone on big problems I’m working on.  I need to harness this when home..so I can get the productivity without the cramps associated with crossing the country in economy class.

Note: It’s 8:30pm Eastern as I write this… but it will be after midnight your time before it goes out… I don’t get to my hotel tonight until 10:30PM LA time..and I don t bother getting on line on the plane because the service is lousy   (which is why I get so much done )…"

Thanks Adam!

Wishing you all productive fly time!

Coach Nancy